Sunday, August 25, 2019

This is one of the best days of the week. There are two and I always know because that's when my mistress puts the harness on me which means we are going in The Car. I still don't like the car and every so often I remember The Accident and start to shake. It's better now because I insist on sitting on the front seat and I have my own seat belt which I must admit stops me from sitting on her lap which she doesn't allow.

Today we go into Town and we walk down the main street. First we go to Winstone's book shop where, if I sit and look hopeful, I am given a biscuit and then, when she's finished talking, we go across the road to another shop where they have a water bowl outside. We make our way down the hill, (lots of interesting smells)  and meet friends and other dogs. Most of the dogs we meet are friendly but some growl and glare. I'm not having that! I bark loudly. Don't you think of messing with me, I tell them!

Often we meet friends and go into a shop for coffee. I have learnt that it is best for me to sit under her chair because I can then watch people and their dogs. I think it is what you call being in private because no-one really knows I am there. When the weather is nice we go to the bottom of town and sit outside the Cross Keys at a table with a big umbrella. From under her chair I can see everything! It is in the little market square where there are lots of people going about and buying things like bread and cherries and books and jewellery.

This is my second favourite day, and I so look forward to it. I will tell you about the very best day tomorrow!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Me and my friends

Hello! Its me again, Hamish! It's a long time since |I wrote anything because life has been so hectic for my mistress  but I met some lovely American cousins last week who said they read my blog! Now I haven't written my bog for ages and I was so impressed I decided to dictate more of my exciting life to my mistress! She gave a big sigh and said, 'Alright, if you insist. What do you want to write about?' I explained that so much had happened and there were so many things I wanted to say. Another big sigh: 'I do have other things to do, you know. If I don't write my features then I don't earn any money and I won't be able to buy your food.'  I gave her one of my looks and we began.

These days I have a very good friend called Bertie. In fact, he's my best friend and we love meeting each other on the cricket field.  Bertie is a cross between a Jack Russell and a Dachshund and he has very floppy ears that wave up and down when he runs. He is younger than me: he is about a year old and I am three and a half but he is clever. We like to run together and usually one of us finds a stick and we both hold it and run. Sometimes we just pull it and Bertie rolls over on his back and I pull him along. He has a much older brother called Wooster (I think his owner, Jane, likes PG Woodhouse books) but Wooster doesn't run. He really doesn't like walks these days either and Jane has to keep him on his lead otherwise he tries to run home. One day that's exactly what he did and a man tried to pick him up so  Wooster bit him! Wooster has never bitten anyone in his life so he must have been a bit frightened.  Jane was cross and I think a bit embarrassed but as we all get older we become more determined to do what we want.  (Another nasty look from my mistress).

Talking about age, Nutmeg, our cat, was 14 on 1st August. She is very determined to do exactly what she wants to do and has started getting into my bed to sleep.  Well, it's lovely and soft. She sleeps in the middle and there is no room for me. At first, I didn't know what to do. I found my mistress (at her desk as usual) and tried to explain to her, looking really miserable. She realised there was something wrong (big sigh) and I led her over to my basket in the kitchen. She made Nutmeg get out  so I could get in. Nutmeg was not best pleased and immediately got back in and cuddled up to me. Now we sleep together like that most days. It's nice.