She's got out that blue thing she calls my harness again. When she wants me to do is put it on and that means we are going in THE CAR. I hate the car. I've hated it since we had The Accident. There I was, waiting patiently in my seat while she went across the road to see a friend when it started to move. It went down the hill, quite slowly at first, then faster and suddenly it hit a wall. I was terrified!
A strange man opened the door and took me out and a lot of people crowded around. But she wasn't there. I was only five months old and I didn't know what to do. I was frightened and I wanted my mistress. It seemed a long time but she came running down the road and picked me up and hugged me and that made me feel better.
We had to leave the car and get another to finish our journey but ever since then I hate cars. She bought a new car with two doors at the back for me but I was worried about getting in it and trembled each time. So we tried different places for me to be but all I wanted to do was sit on her lap, somethng she said was dangerous when she is driving. Now I have my own seat belt and I sit where I can see her. I still hate the car but I've noticed when I get in, very reluctantly I might add, there is usually a tasty treat on the seat waiting for me. And I have also discovered that we tend to go to do special things such as my training or meeting friends. I feel more confident and will jump in instead of hanging back and looking miserable. I suppose you get used to things in time. One day I might even like the car. One day.
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